The Geospir foundation itself is based on a special anchorage system constructed from a metallic pole, onto which spiral flights are applied with the aim to obtain an element that, firstly can be fixed to the ground or positioned to supply a support point with predetermined characteristics of tensile strength and compression.
Geospir produces spiral posts in a cylindrical shape using galvanized steel, in some cases with a tapered end that can be inserted into the ground by screwing.
The spiral post consists of a long bodied pole that allows anchorage and facilitates the insertion into the ground. The head of the upper pole, which remains above ground level, is a steel plate onto which fasteners are welded, allowing you to connect the structure to it.
The spiral posts are placed in the ground through a standard hydraulic drilling rig and once fixed, can support various types of structures for multiple uses.
Geospir has designed and developed a range of spiral posts to meet the specific needs of various foundation structures. The type and size of the spiral posts are selected by Geospir technicians according to the given characteristics and the type of ground in which the foundation is to be built.
Technical Features
All spiral posts are produced by an automated manufacturing process and undergo strict quality control checks before being brought into the market.
The material used, is quality carbon steel quality S275JR and S355JR, and is always accompanied by certification.
The spiral posts are treated with a thick galvanized hot dip that provides durability and protection from corrosion.
The Geospir product range
includes 3 principle types for foundations:
Based on ground characteristics and type of post selected, it is possible to have foundations with extraordinary tensile strength and compression as shown in the following charts: |
CL Series
spiral posts for inconsistent ground
(gravel / sand)
The CL series spiral post has a streamlined shape specifically designed to allow rapid and economic construction of foundations in loose malleable ground.
VT Series
spiral posts for compact soil and consistent
(rocky / muddy / clay)
The VT series is designed to be used in highly cohesive grounds or superficial floor surface, such as asphalt, which render the CL series unusable.
AP Series
Large capacity spiral posts
The AP series is an evolution of the VT series and was developed by Geospir to meet the needs of large capacity foundations, that continues to retain the operating advantages associated with the ease and speed of execution, whilst remaining economical .
The principle system behind the AP series is the combination of the spiral post with the injection of cement under high pressure. The cement injected into the post exits through specific holes, into the ground surrounding outer edge of the post which allows for a cohesive mass distribution that amplifies the characteristics of tensile strength and compression. |